Rotten Teeth Kids Usually Experience: Causes and Treatment

Rotten teeth kids usually experience

General oral health entails brushing your teeth daily, drinking water, and even flossing and using mouth wash whenever possible. These practices will ensure that you maintain healthy gums and teeth and have a beautiful smile. However, poor dental health causes rotten teeth kids usually experience. It also applies to adults.

The rotten teeth kids usually experience are a result of plaque. It is a transparent sticky film that forms on the teeth. It contains bacteria that mix with sugar, which is present in various foods, resulting in corrosive acid formation. This acid begins destroying the teeth. In the case where this tooth is untreated, the decay will become more severe and even result in the tooth becoming loose and fall out. It is advisable to diagnose the causes of tooth decay and its symptoms at an early stage.

What are the causes of rotten teeth kids usually experience?

Rotten teeth kids usually experience

Rotten teeth are usually a result of an acid eating away the teeth. This acid is formed when the film containing bacteria mixes with starches and sugars from food. The bacteria that will be found on the teeth mix with foods and form the acid which sticks in the teeth. This clear film, known as plaque, will begin eating the teeth over time and result in tooth decay.

Symptoms of rotten teeth kids usually experience

Tooth decay refers to the total destruction of the surface of a tooth, and it is usually permanent. It may lead to the tooth falling out completely. Some of the symptoms of a rotten tooth are usually mild and may go undetected over a long time. To avert this problem, you usually visit the dentist once in a while to have a complete dental check-up. In addition, children with ADHD are more prone to rotten teeth. And so, make sure special dental attention to ADHD patients are provided.

Symptoms of rotten teeth kids have are usually the same as those of adults. However, they may also experience fever and swollen gums. It is usually best to diagnose these cavities early because if you leave them untreated, they will also affect other deeper layers of the tooth. Apart from having a hole in the tooth, other symptoms of rotten teeth kids usually have include:

  • Being very sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Severe toothache
  • Experiencing bad breath
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Having an unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Several white, black, or brown spots on the teeth

Causes of rotten teeth

The rotten teeth kids usually have can be prevented if you detect them at an early stage. When you begin treatment early, you will be preventing the decay from spreading to other teeth in your mouth. This will protect your teeth from further decay in the future.

Having a dry mouth

The salivary glands in the mouth are very vital in preventing tooth decay. They produce enough saliva, which will wash away the bacteria and acid, which causes tooth rot. When you do not have enough saliva in your mouth to wash away these bacteria, it makes you prone to tooth decay.

Poor dental health

Poor dental hygiene usually leads to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, which will lead to tooth rot. You need to always brush your teeth at least twice per day to get rid of the sugars and bacteria that stick on your teeth. You can also floss daily to boost your dental health. Dentists usually offer professional dental cleaning, so you should make an appointment with them at least three times a year.

Dental crevices

Dental cracks may cause tooth rot as they will lead to plaque accumulation on the tooth’s surface. It is usually hard to brush your teeth effectively when you have these crevices. Therefore, it is essential that you apply a dental sealant once in a while when you have these crevices to prevent plaque accumulation on the teeth.

Poor diet

When you eat foods that have high amounts of sugar, they tend to stick on the surface of your teeth. These sugars then feed the bacteria found in the mouth and lead to plaque formation, which will cause tooth decay. Foods that contain high acid levels also lead to tooth decay as they may dissolve the enamel of the tooth. People who also have acid reflux illnesses are also at risk of experiencing tooth rot. This is because the stomach acid will also attack the tooth enamel and cause it to erode.

Fluoride deficiency

Fluoride mineral is very crucial in strengthening the tooth enamel and makes it resistant to cavities. You need to use toothpaste that is high in fluoride so as to strengthen your teeth enamel. Fluoride is also added to tap water but is rarely found in bottled water. It is best for you to drink tap water more often so as to acquire fluoride from the water.

Treatment for early stages of rotten teeth kids might have.

This early stage is when the child only has a small cavity. In such a scenario, the dentist will only administer fluoride treatment to increase the amount of fluoride in the tooth. This will reverse the cavity. This treatment is only effective against small cavities. Once other symptoms such as bad breath and severe toothache begin to appear, it is best that you seek an advanced treatment solution. This treatment method is not effective once other symptoms begin to appear.

Treatment for advanced stages of rotten teeth

This treatment method is usually effective when fluoride treatment is overpowered. For this treatment solution, the dentist can either remove the rotten parts of the tooth or perform dental filling to seal up the tooth. The dentist may also opt to use a crown instead. The dentist can use an amalgam filling of certain metals in the tooth filling process or just fill it with a tooth-colored composite. The dental crown involves the dentist putting a dental cap over your decayed tooth.

Treatment for very advanced stages of rotten teeth

This type of treatment is usually administered when the tooth rot attacks deeper parts of the tooth, such as the root canal. The dentist will remove the unfit nerve and pulp, then seals the vacuum. In the event that the rot is at a severe stage, the dentist will remove the tooth entirely and replace it with a bridge or an implant.