Six Different Ways to Fall Asleep Quickly

Fall Asleep Quickly

Do you have trouble fall asleep quickly? Do you lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking “why can’t I just fall asleep”? One of the worst feelings in the world is wanting to go to bed and knowing you need a good night’s rest, but you just cannot turn your mind off and obtain it. These feelings can increase anxiety and can affect your overall well being for the falling day. Well do not fret because you are not alone. Over one third of Americans suffer from various sleep issues. When you are having a moment like this you can try these tips to ease those anxious feelings and get the rest you need if you Fall Asleep Quickly. Here are six different ways you can try to fall asleep quickly or fast!

  1. Use The 4-7-8 Method

The 4-7-8 Method is a breathing technique. It was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil based on Pranayama. Pranayama is a traditional yoga technique that promotes calmness and eases anxiety. Here is how it works:

  1. Lay down in bed and relax your body, especially your jaw muscles. 
  2. Rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
  3. Exhale through your mouth.
  4. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds.
  5. Hold your breath for seven seconds
  6. Exhale through your mouth for eight seconds

It is recommended to repeat this process at least four times. It may feel funny at first but conscious breathing has many benefits. 

  1. Lower Your Thermostat 

Our second tip is to be conscious of your bedroom’s and your body’s temperature. The human body naturally changes temperature when we sleep and wake up. As our body falls asleep our temperature lowers. As we wake up our body temperature rises. One way to help your body fall asleep faster is by adjusting your temperature. You can do this by lowering your room’s thermostat or by taking a hot shower. As you dry off your body will naturally cool down which can inform your body that it is time for bed.

  1. Try an Essential Oil Sleep Patch 

Consider trying a sleep patch. Essential oil sleep patches are designed to help calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. How do they work? Well, the patch triggers receptors in the nose. These receptors send messages from the nervous system to the limbic system. This simply means that the body responds to the system that controls behavior and emotions. Publications such as the National Institute of Environmental Health Services, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, and the Neuropsychiatric Rehabilitation Laboratory have all published research providing evidence pertaining to the many benefits of essential oils. 

  1. Try the Military Method

Another mental exercise you can try is the military method. This is a technique that involves connecting your mind and body to help your body relax. The goal with this method is to help your wandering mind clear so you can fall asleep. Here is how it works.

  1. Firstly, lay down in bed.
  2. As you lay down, begin to tense your facial muscles.
  3. Relax your muscles as you breathe in deep breaths.
  4. Repeat until your body is physically relaxed.
  5. Now, to ease your mind, clear your mind of any wandering thoughts.
  6. Picture a peaceful scenario such as laying on the beach and hearing the rhythm of the waves crashing. 
  7. Continue to breathe deeply.

This technique, like other meditation techniques, may take some practice. Do not give up if it does not work on the first try.

  1. Daily Exercise 

How often do you move your body? It is recommended that everyone incorporate 30 minutes of daily exercise into their routine to improve one’s overall health. This includes your sleep health as well. The National Library of Medicine reported in 2014 that one’s sleep duration can increase when serotonin levels in the brain are produced. Exercise decreases levels of cortisol and increases serotonin. This is extremely relevant if you work a typical desk job where you sit at a desk for most of your day. You do not have to do anything too strenuous to get in your daily dose of exercise. You can try a number of things such as yoga, walking, cycling, or hiking. Find what works for you and your body.

6. Complete a Body Scan

Another meditation technique you can try for falling asleep quickly is performing a body scan. Like the other breathing and mental techniques mentioned above, a body scan is a mental practice that promotes relaxation. This technique also helps you connect your mind to your physical body. Start with the following steps:

  1. Firstly, get comfortable and lay down in bed.
  2. Start at the very top of your body, focusing on your scalp and moving down across you face. Acknowledge each part of your body and only move on to the next part until the body part you are focused on is completely relaxed. 
    1. Tip: visualize a bright light moving through your body.
  3. Once your head and face are relaxed, move to your shoulders.
  4. Continue these steps throughout the right side of your body.
  5. Repeat on the left side of your body.
  6. Continue this process until your whole body is relaxed and your mind is calm.

If you need further guidance with this method there are hundreds of free resources available online such as YouTube videos where you can find a guided body scan tutorial. These videos are soft spoken and typically play calming music in the background for a great calming effect.



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