8 Essential Vitamins That Help You Sleep and Wake up Refreshed


Get this: almost 70 million American adults struggle with sleep disorders every single night. So if you are on the hunt for vitamins and minerals that help you sleep, you’ve come to the right place.

Looking for vitamins that help you sleep through the night?

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, vitamin deficiencies might be the problem. Discover essential vitamins that help you sleep here!

1. Vitamin D

When it comes to vitamin supplements that help you sleep, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s the thing: most scientists believe that vitamin D is not a vitamin, but rather a hormone produced in the body with the aid of sunlight. The best part is that you will get vitamin D from both the supplement and sunshine. FYI: Some foods rich in vitamin D are milk, salmon, tuna, and mushrooms.

Check with your doctor or pharmacist to see what your actual amount of vitamin D is and how much you can supplement.

Pro tip: since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it can be stored in your body and become toxic if it is too high.

2. Vitamin E

Check this out: a 2011 study on the neuroprotective effect of vitamin E found that vitamin E can prevent sleep deprivation. Plus, it can also normalize hippocampus antioxidant processes during sleep deprivation.

Besides this, vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects your body tissue from free radical damage and plays a role in healthy ageing. It also helps to keep the immune system healthy. Lastly, it’s critical in the production of red blood cells too!

3. B Vitamins

News flash: eight B vitamins are essential to your well-being. These are called B-complex vitamins. In fact, some researchers say that certain B vitamins can control the body’s supply of tryptophan. In the end, this helps the body to produce melatonin.

In case you didn’t know, melatonin is a hormone that is created in your body to make you sleepy (more on melatonin later on).

The good news is that B vitamins are usually included in most multivitamins. If not, you can buy B complex vitamins on your own in the form of supplements too.

Additionally, a balanced diet with plenty of whole grains, meats, fruit, and vegetables also provides a good foundation for the body.

4. Magnesium and Calcium

Magnesium and calcium are best to take together before bed because they both play a role in muscle contraction and relaxation. However, a lack of calcium and magnesium are known to cause multiple sleep interruptions during the night.

Contrarily, calcium works with tryptophan to create melatonin that helps to induce sleep. In a nutshell, chronic insomnia is also one of the first signs of magnesium deficiency.

On the bright side, a diet rich in vegetables, nuts and seeds will ensure that you get the right diet.

5. Theanine

Theanine is an incredible amino acid found in tea leaves – especially green tea – and in some types of mushrooms.

Theanine improves some of the chemicals in the brain (such as dopamine, GABA, and serotonin) that help to regulate sleep. It also lowers chemicals in the brain that have an exciting effect.

You can also get theanine from green tea, as already mentioned. However, you can also find it in an additional form in a variety of pharmacies!

6. Iron

Unfortunately, the number one symptom of low levels of iron is sleep disruption. Sadly, low iron levels might be a significant risk factor for restless leg syndrome, which can cause sleeplessness or insomnia. Plus, low iron can also lead to feelings of anxiety that can make sleep difficult.

Struggling with your sleep tonight? If so, have your doctor check your amount of iron. If you’re iron-deficient, they’ll prescribe a supplement.

Hack: vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron, so try taking apple or orange juice with your iron supplements.

To supplement naturally, the following food is high in iron:

  • Lean beef
  • Oysters
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Beans and lentils
  • Tofu
  • Baked potatoes
  • Cashews
  • Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach
  • Fortified breakfast cereals
  • Whole-grain bread

Experiment to see which ones work for you!

7. Melatonin

In case you didn’t know, melatonin is a hormone naturally released by the body that makes you feel sleepy.

If you’re having trouble getting to sleep, you can also find melatonin in the form of a supplement. The best part is that normally taking it for a limited time can help you reset your circadian rhythm and make you sleep quicker too.

Keep in mind that most experts recommend that you try it for a short time. So, after a couple of weeks, avoid supplementation and see how the body has reacted. In the end, you will help melatonin do its job by setting the mood!

8. Tryptophan

Remember this: after Thanksgiving dinner, everybody heads for a recliner or a sofa and passes out? That’s because tryptophan can trigger sleepiness and allow you to fall asleep faster.

How can you get your hands on more tryptophan?

If yes, you can purchase tryptophan supplements in most pharmacies. You can also get it from a range of foods such as:

  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Poultry
  • Milk
  • Spinach
  • Eggs
  • Salmon

Want to fill your online shopping cart with gummy vitamins that help you sleep?

Try these sleep vitamins today!

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