What Fruits Can Cats Eat

What Fruits Can Cats Eat

We mostly see cats eating fish, meat, milk, etc., but we hardly see them eating fruits and veggies. That’s why most of us wonder whether cats can eat fruits. If yes, what fruits can cats eat?

Well, like humans, cats can also enjoy the goodness of nature. They can surely eat fruits like Apple, mango, banana, etc. and gain essential nutrients from them. Since they have a different digestive system from them, they can’t eat any fruits in any quantity.

This article will give a list of fruits that cats can eat and avoid. Also, you will know what the quantity of fruits should be.

Can Cats Eat Fruits?

Fruits are nutritious and healthy not only for humans but also for cats. However, cats do not have the same digestive system as humans. So they can’t eat fruits as much as humans can. They can eat specific fruits in moderate quantities that are safe for carnivores.

What Fruits Can Cats Eat

What Fruits Can Cats Eat?

Most often, we assume that all elements in fruits may not be safe for cats. Well, some fruits indeed lead to toxicity to cats, whereas some fruits are absolutely safe for them.


Apples are safe for cats to eat. They contain vitamin C, vitamin K, pectin, and calcium. You can offer a few slices of Apple to your cat, hopefully, she will like it.


Pineapples are also a nutritious fruit for cats. It has vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and magnesium. Also, it is high in fructose which can benefit your cat’s health. Before feeding some slices of pineapple to your cat, remove the rind, thorns, and rinds properly.


One of the most loved fruits, mango, can be a healthy treat for cats. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and fibre. You can serve some cubes of mango to your cat after removing its peel and seed.


Berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, and raspberries are safe for cats to eat. They have a good amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The fine quantity to feed your cat would be one strawberry and two to three other berries.


Cantaloupe is a low-calorie fruit that is rich in vitamin C, fibre, beta carotene, and antioxidants. Most cats love the scent of cantaloupe and get excited to eat it. You must feed this fruit in a couple of small slices without its rind.


A small flesh of watermelon shall not cause any harm to cats. In fact, it will provide your cat with a good amount of vitamin C. Just make sure you don’t feed the seeds with the cube. Besides, ensure that your cat eats watermelon occasionally, not frequently.


Bananas are high in vitamin B6, vitamin C, carbohydrates, and potassium. Some slices of bananas can do good to your feline friend.


It is a debatable topic about whether cats can eat Kiwi or not. For some cats, digesting kiwi is very hard, again some cats gulp it very easily. If your cat does not have any digestive discomfort, she can eat kiwi with no regrets. Also, ask your vet before feeding this fruit to your cat.

What Fruits Can Cats Eat


If your cat is fine with the texture and taste of coconut, there is nothing wrong with feeding it to her. When you are offering coconut meat to your cat, keep it unsweetened and fresh. Besides, you can offer coconut milk and water in a small portion to your cat if she feels interested.

Which Fruits Can Cats Eat Sometimes?

There is a list of additional fruits that you can feed your cat rarely in a small quantity.

  • Nectarines
  • Pears
  • Cucumber
  • Apricots
  • Honeydew

Note: All the mentioned fruits must be unpeeled and seedless to provide them with cats.

Which Fruits Cats Can’t Eat?

As we can see, many fruits are safe for cats. We may mistakenly feed them any food, considering them safe as well. Cats cannot digest some fruits, and being a concerned pet owner, you should be certain about it.


Avocados have a substance, named persin. It can cause abdominal issues in cats, like diarrhoea and vomiting.

Citrus Fruits

Fruits containing citric causes, like- oranges, grapefruit, lemon, etc., can be harmful to cats’ digestive system. So make sure cats don’t get any reach towards these fruits.


Dried grapes or raisins are as harmful as citrus fruits for cats. They can irritate a cat’s digestive system and lead to kidney damage.

Stems And Seeds

Seeds and stems can be toxic for cats and cause choking in the throat. Besides, cats will find them difficult to digest.

Frequently Asked Questions: What Fruits Can Cats Eat?

Do cats like eating fruits?

Cats don’t eat fruits and foods because of the sweetness, but for the fat content. They can’t taste sweet in any food. Since fruits do not have ample fat content, most cats don’t prefer eating them.

Which fruits do cats like?

Fruits that are less sweet with high levels of antioxidants are favourites to cats. Some of its examples are strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Watermelon and cantaloupe also fall into the group of fruits that cats like to eat.

Can cats eat carrots?

Cats can eat carrots in small quantities, as they are non-toxic. You can add small slices of carrots to your cat’s diet, but occasionally.

Final Verdict

Hopefully, you have now gained a good idea about what fruits can cats eat. However, the safest alternatives to feed cats are apples, mangoes, and bananas. You can feed them to your cat sometimes in a few slices.

There are other fruits too that can suit cats. Since all cats do not have the same track record, some cats may be allergic to fruits. For best results, consult with your vet before feeding any fruit to your cat. Although the fruit can be non-toxic, your vet may restrict it to feed your cat for any reason.