Factors in Choosing Cool Jiu Jitsu Gis for Your Comfortable Training

Cool Jiu Jitsu Gis for Your Comfortable Training

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gis is a popular martial art that includes self-defense, ground fighting, grappling, and holding. You can know more about this here. The fighters focus on controlling and taking their opponents to the ground to gain dominance. Some of the techniques used are chokeholds, joint locks, and more. 

The founders believed in the concept that a weaker and smaller person could successfully defend themselves against stronger and heavier opponents. By taking advantage of techniques like weight distribution and leverage, the fight can be taken to the ground by grappling, submission holds, etc.

Whenever one is in jiu-jitsu training or sparring, they should use a Gi, which is a uniform for this martial art. The Gi means clothes, and it is made up of reinforced trousers, heavy cotton jackets, and belts that signify one’s rank. This is sometimes referred to as the kimono by non-Japanese people.

Colors of the Gi

Colors of the Gi

The colors that are allowed in international matches are black, white, or blue. Depending on where you are playing this sport, many jurisdictions may allow you to use other solid colors as well. Read more about what others say about the colors on this forum here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/9cvgu8/gi_colors/. Some rules should be followed when wearing Gi. These are just some of the specifications that you need to follow:

  • The uniform should be made from cotton or in any other similar material. Overall, the Gi should be in good condition, and the clothing materials should not be too hard or too thick. 
  • The colors should be all blue, white, or black. Combinations are not allowed, such as blue kimono paired with black pants.
  • Jackets should have more than enough length to cover the thighs. The sleeves should reach at least the wrists areas, and the arms should be able to extend comfortably. There are official measurements that were made by the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gis Federation (IBJJF), and they should be followed all the time.
  • The width of the belts must be around 4 to 5 cm. The color should match the player’s rank. This should be tied and secured on the waist through double knots. The kimono should cover the upper body, and it should always be closed. Discolored belts are not allowed and worn ones should be replaced before the competition.
  • Professional athletes may not be allowed to compete if they have torn pants, sleeves, and kimonos. T-shirts may be permitted underneath the kimonos for female participants.
  • No painting of other colors of Gis is allowed. There may be exceptions when it comes to identifying the teams for competitions, but there are still rules that need to be followed.

Tips in Choosing your First Gi

 your First Gi

Now that you have an idea about Jiu Jitsu Gis and the kimonos used in these martial arts, then it might be time to choose your uniform. So, if you decide to get your very first set of kimonos and start training for Jiu-Jitsu, then congratulations! Some started with wrestling classes, and they discovered that they are good at grappling. 

When you want to take things to the next level, you may want to browse a lot of choices on many online stores. You can check first some cool options when you read BJJ Gi reviews and get more ideas about the qualities that you need to consider before buying. Here are other factors that you need to think about in purchasing your very first Gi.

  1. Set your Budget

At the start, you may want to determine the type of kimono that you wanted to wear. You may want the durable and long-lasting ones or the fancy versions with cool patches. Everybody in the gym may get jealous when you wear the cooler uniforms but make sure that they are durable. Nevertheless, set a budget and make sure to include the costs of the belt and the shipping.

It’s different if you get a Jiu Jitsu Gis for training and tournament. There are rules in place that will tell you which color is best to start with. The three permissible colors are blue, white, and black. Some wanted to have patches, but you should make sure that they are located in the right place. You won’t be able to place the patch in any spot you want, so be sure to check with your coach first before getting it in the first place.

If you want to place the academy patch, you may want to know if it’s given for free or if you have to buy one. The size should also be according to the IBJJF’s rules and recommendations so that you’ll avoid getting disqualified. You can check the guide and get ones that are affordable and follow the standards to start your journey in learning Jiu-Jitsu.

Buying a kimono for training purposes only is possible, but when you plan to enter a competition, you may need to get high-quality ones that will last. The color options are wide, and they have blue camos for hiding in a blue forest. A blue forest is where the environment is all blue, and the rooms are painted in such color where the players can easily conceal their presence. 

Some will have signature graphics from artists who are involved in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gis environments. However, know that the colors will wash up sometime after severe l training sessions. You may need to get two or more kimonos, especially if you are training every day.

  1. Know the Weave

Everyone may get confused when it comes to choosing the kind of weaves suitable for them. There are four main types of weaves, and they go with different names. They are the following:

Single weave – This is a lightweight, common, and affordable variety. You can purchase light weaves at a very reasonable price.

Double Weave – This is more durable than single weaves and expect that the uniforms will last for many hours in both competition and training. If you are going to face an opponent with this kind of weave, it’s best to avoid using spider guards as they can result in sore hands in a few days.

Gold Weave – This variety is comparable to that of the double weave. However, there will be a little extra weight due to the additional gold, and they are harder to grip.

Pearl Weave – This is the best choice if you want both features of durability and lightweight. This is what many companies are using in their products, and they are very popular among athletes.

Many people put more emphasis on the weave of the trousers. This is because durability is important. The pants are mostly made from cotton, but some companies may make them from light ripstop. The ripstop materials are best during humid and hot days.

  1. Know your Size

The charts for sizes of many Gis are a bit different than the normal ones. There is no S, L, XL, or M. The people who are training for Jiu-Jitsu may get confused if this is their first time. The “S” may not be enough for a 6 ft 2 inches tall person who weighs around 190 pounds. Some of the sizes that you may want to consider include:

  • A1L – For lighter people who have long limbs
  • A1H – For stockier people since the regular-sized ones may be too long for them
  • A1F – This is made to fit, and they’re not as loose as the previous two

You need to choose the best size that will fit you, especially during sparring and competition. If you wear something too tight, the association may disqualify you even before the game starts. If you are wearing something too loose, your opponent may catch you by the Gi, and you wouldn’t want this to happen.

After buying the kimono from an online shop, some may become frustrated when they see that everything is too big. However, it’s common for the Gi to shrink by 10% after the first wash. Some are advertised that they are the pre-shrunk kinds, so you may want to avoid those tumble dryers in the process of cleaning.

  1. The Belt Color

After you bought the whole outfit, it’s now time to focus on the belt. Many companies will include white belts when you purchase a kimono from them. Other famous brands may sell them at a different price that is too costly for beginners.

The most important factor that you have to look for in the belt is its thickness. It should also be easy to knot so you won’t have problems during the competition. Some may come with an initial stiffness, but they tend to disappear after a few washes. You may want to get the ones that are softer but firm. Of course, you wouldn’t want to be a white belt forever, so you better train hard to get to the black belt category.

These are just some of the factors that you need to look at when choosing a cool Jiu Jitsu Gi. You may want to ask your coach for recommendations or search online for the best ones. It is also helpful to know more about the IBJJF’s rules to ensure that your Gi meets the standards.