Ejaculating Dildos for Ultimate Self-Pleasure

Ejaculating dildos

Sometimes sexual satisfaction is the most independent effort of all things. Who says you need men, women, or anyone to give you the satisfaction you need? Instead, if you are passionate about yourself, the most viable option is to buy sex toys. However, there are several variations of sex toys, and you should carefully read about them before buying one. Here, we will discuss all the best ejaculating dildos.

Why buy ejaculating dildos?

Ejaculating dildos are one of the most realistic and satisfying sex toys. You will not have to worry about conceiving but can be satisfied with protection-free sex.

And guess what? This is perfectly safe as well. The ejaculating dildo will shoot a liquid into your vagina, and the pleasant feeling that ensues is beyond comparison.

Usually, dildos are worthy replacements for the penis. However, ejaculating dildos are more realistic because it injects liquid inside your vagina, as the name suggests.

So, if you don’t want to stress your mind with the fear of getting pregnant but still want that extreme pleasure, ejaculating dildos will serve you in your best interest.

There is a compartment inside the dildo where you can fill the liquid or lubricant. Here, you can either give strong shots or shallow shots.

Also, the way of filling the compartment is two-fold. Either use a syringe or take a dropper and dip its head in that liquid. Then, squeeze the balls, and the liquid will get sucked in.

Most importantly, these are safe for vaginal and anal intercourse. So, you can use hybrid silicone lubricant or the milky white fake semen for your ultimate satisfaction.


If you have used other dildos, you know it becomes a little tricky. However, the working of the ejaculating dildo is very simple. You first have to pour the liquid inside the compartment, and voila, your pleasant trio begins.

While reaching orgasm, remember to push the button on the dildo. Once you do that, it will start ejaculating. Just like that, you can have the greatest satisfaction without having a partner and without bearing all those endless relationship stress.

Things to keep in mind before buying

It would be best to keep things in mind while choosing ejaculating dildos. The ejaculating dildos are of different variations. So, before buying one, you should know some of its features. So, we have laid them down for you.


The ejaculating dildos come in different sizes, textures, and shapes. They will look like real penises but won’t have the sagging skin or veins. The size varies from 6 to 12 inches.

It would help if you also were mindful of the size of the semen sack. Bigger penises will give you more satisfaction because they penetrate deep and result in good cumming.


Cheap materials like jelly, PVC, or plastic might be unsafe and cause infections. Silicone is the best material, so go for buying silicone ejaculating dildos. You will also not have the risk of having STDs.


You should explore yourself before buying any sex toys. All personal experiences are unique. Hence the demands are also unique.

Just because someone finds pleasure in bug dicks, doesn’t mean you will draw pleasure from that. Also, don’t fall for trends. Instead, fall for your body. Listen to what it wants and needs. Accordingly, go for buying.

Many women do not like big dicks, which go very deep. Some are more inclined towards rough sex and others towards sensual ones. So, understand your preferences before jumping right in.


Move slow. If you are unfamiliar with sex toys, you should start with the smaller dildos. Once you are fine with that, go for the bigger ones. Otherwise, starting with big dildos might cause tears in your vagina which is not desirable.

Types of ejaculating dildos

We discussed the different sizes of these dildos. But, they come in different types as well:

Ejaculating dildos with vibration

Most studies and surveys show that women attain orgasm not because of penetration but because of clitoral stimulation.

That occurs when you rub the surface or use any vibrator. So, imagine your dildo having a vibrator with it.

There are some types of ejaculating dildos, the length of which is 8 inches and 2 inches in diameter.

You can also speed up or increase the vibration to the 10th level. So, this is the best type of ejaculating dildos in the market designed to give you immense pleasure.

Hands-free cumming dildos

These are automatic dildos. You will need syringes to pour the liquid inside the compartment. They measure eight inches in length. So, if you are comfortable, you can go as deep as you want.

Once you start reaching orgasm, squeeze the balls, and the liquid will be released inside you. The dildo has veins, and the skin is like real-life penises. So, enjoy this enhanced experience by buying hands-free cumming dildos.

Pop Ejaculating dildos

Made with high-quality silicone, these dildos have interesting veins and have a smooth surface.

Huge Ejaculating dildos

These dildos are huge and can contain a large amount of liquid. So, use it to reach the vagina’s end and press the button for the semen to enter your vagina.

Suction Cup Ejaculating Dildos

These look very real. Most importantly, these dildos will not rob you. However, the material is not silicone. They are made from high-quality PVC. The length of these dildos is 9 inches and has a diameter of 2.4 inches. Women go crazy for these dildos.

Realistic Ejaculating Dildos

If you are looking for your best non-human, non-robotic companion, you should go for realistic ejaculating dildos. The suction cap is for the liquid. The dildos are very realistic and are ten inches long. These dildos are the best sex toys for your utmost satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

The relationship is about commitment and responsibility. Casual sex involves a hell lot of interaction. So, if you are not interested in any of these, sex toys can be the best partners.

You can even use these ejaculating dildos in different parts of your body, on your vagina, in your cleave, and in your mouth.

As it is preached in The Vagina Monologues, explore your body before any man comes and comments on it. Before falling for men, fall for yourself first!