Top NordicTrack Fitness Equipment Review

NordicTrack fitness equipment

If you look into the market, it’s not hard to find gym equipment to practice HIIT and LISS at home. But there must be a reason people give NordicTrack the reputation.

Not only the brand has the top-notch series of products serving home gym purpose but also the quality invested in each equipment, making them the top of the line.

Particularly for HIIT and LISS, NordicTrack provides 6 types of gym tools to practice at home. Those include treadmills, incline trainers, ellipticals, stationary bikes, strength training, and rowers designed for you to get fit right in your living space.

Check out the top NordicTrack gym equipment for HIIT and LISS here.

NordicTrack Overview

The company has a long storied backed to 25 years ago when television commercials brought up a new fitness craze. Time flies, hence the growth of NordicTrack. They expanded the area to low-impact machines, providing quality fitness equipment designed for a home gym.

At the time being, NordicTrack owns a collection of abundant exercise machines that lead the standard in ICON Health & Fitness.

The company has become global with branches in Australia mainland, New Zealand, and Continental U.S.

Review of NordicTrack Exercise Equipment

If you visit the NordicTrack Homepage, you can easily find there are 6 lines of superior home gym equipment.

Treadmills and Incline Trainers

The category compiles series of incline trainers offering features that match individually training purposes.

Treadmills from NordicTrack compile programs of world-class personal trainers right in the LCD in front of you. It makes your workout a lot easier and goal-achievable, followed by data tracks to tell you your records.


For those who prefer butt-off training and focus on losing weight with high and low-intensity workouts, ellipticals from NordicTrack bring in one of the highest quality elliptical machines equipped cutting-edge gym technology.

Gym experts recommend those machines from HIIT and LISS as they come with heart rate monitoring along with the silence magnetic resistance.

Stationary bikes

Are you a fan of in-house cycling? Do you need a personal trainer? A powerful practical yet comfortable biking machine to help you burn fat? Have a look at the NordicTrack bike series.

You will get all the options from recumbent, upright, grand tour, and commercial studio bikes.

Rowers, Skiers, Dumbbells, and Speedweights

All products come in premium quality for ultimate workout and cardio. The simulation on the ergonomic design gives the most candid feeling when it comes to practicing on the Skiers and Rowers.

HIIT and LISS on NordicTrack machines

HIIT cardio and its benefits

  • Attack major muscles in one fluid motion
  • Monitor your performance in every second
  • Make you go hard in sprint sessions
  • Burn more calories

HIIT cardio on Rowers

Performing HIIT means you will repeat cycles of high intensity followed by short recovery periods. In the working intervals, you will put all the effort and peak to your max capability then take gaps to go easy.

HIIT on a rower

HIIT on a rower

What you are looking for in a HIIT section on a rower is absolute max output for short bursts for a little bit longer rests.

The ideal intervals for most home rowers should be 10 rounds of 30 seconds on and 90 seconds off. So, if you plan to crush this 20-minute HIIT cardio on the first day, you get to prepare well with your NordicTrack rower, a screen on, input your intervals of work time and rest time, and go.

With a rower, you may push it through in the first round. The recommended stroke rate is 22 in 20 seconds. While rowing your life in this interval, squeeze your body and empty the tank in you, lock in the big tight braces from the belly.

Then, you can go for active recovery of any stroke rate to rehab in 90 seconds. Row easy at this state and keep track on your drag factor.

Rock the round 10 times. When you reach it, get off the rower and start stretching your legs, then pull heels to the butt and stretch the knees.

HIIT on treadmills


Get on your treadmill and hit the Start button. Basically, you will gradually increase the speed to a moderate pace at 4 miles per hour.

HIIT on a treadmill

Keep your chest up and soldier walk to warm up joints, muscles, ligaments, and the entire body.

Pick up the speed over time and make yourself ready for the next state.

Begin the round

You will have 8 rounds of 30 seconds spaced by 90 seconds to recover.

Take the maximum of speed you can handle, like a sprinter. Maintain that speed for 30 seconds.

To rest, you can raise your arms and jump on the side to catch your breath for 90 seconds.

Tap and jump back on to the walk and do it hard again.

For beginners, you may go at 10 miles per hour. For more elite gymmers, push it 12 can play with the incline.


At the end of the last round, decrease the speed with a street walk and finally end the section when you regain your normal heartbeat.

LISS on treadmills

Suggestions say a LISS section should last up to 35 minutes depending on your fitness level. The steady-state you may remain at 4 miles per hour, and keep your heart rate at 140 beats per minute.

The rule of thumb here is to stay constant at the speed that allows you to talk. LISS requires your heart rate not to be any higher than 65% which is the fat-burning zone.

LISS on rowers

LISS rowing cardio can be recreational for many people. The low-intensity exercise lets you go easy and more relaxing than that on a HIIT.

Many say practicing LISS on a rower; you should keep the stroke rate as low as 18 to maintain a steady heartbeat. That is why people wear a chest strap to keep track of the pulse.

LISS on exercise bikes

LISS on a commercial NordicTrack bike

LISS on a commercial NordicTrack bike

Exercise bikes are excellent choices to perform your daily LISS. A section of mild paddling will get your body to burn fat slowly in the meantime, letting you enjoy your favorite shows. You may choose one in the upright series or the T series from NordicTrack, which will make your workout routine more entertaining.

NordicTrack bikes are also LISS optimal companion for its heart rate training that will use the built-in grip pulse sensors to collect your heart pumping. The machine is pretty helpful in telling you the right zone to stop pushing based on your fitness goals.

LISS on ellipticals

The NordicTrack ellipticals are more than perfect for you to chase your dream shape with LISS. You will apply the same technique to keep your heart rate lower than 65% using the heart rate monitor.

Final thoughts

No matter what training program you follow, HIIT or LISS; they all bring back the result of you losing more weight and having your desired figure.

With HIIT and LISS, NordicTrack gym equipment supports every demand to help you thrive an achievement. Those machines themselves also rig with more features to help you advance your fitness track and gain more health benefits in terms of regular practice.

In any case, you need our support on the NordicTrack exercise equipment with HIIT and LISS cardio, drop a comment below. And don’t forget to like and share this article. Thank you!