Coronavirus Symptoms: Differentiate Between Common Cold, Flu and Covid

Coronavirus symptoms: differentiate between common cold, flu and Covid

As winter approaches in the United Kingdom, the country is facing seasonal cold and flu. Due to additional complications in the year of coronavirus spread, the traditional symptoms need a broader understanding. We need to know how to diagnose the condition we face to stop COVID-19 spread. Here, we will discuss the coronavirus symptoms to differentiate it from the common cold and flu.

Coronavirus symptoms vs. common cold and flu

United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) has come with a guide to help the public understand these illnesses better. The guide helps us recognize if we have a cold, flu, or COVID-19. Check out the following point to know how to differentiate:

Coronavirus symptoms detection

The most prominent COVID-19 symptom is fever. If you have a temperature of 37.8 C or 100 F, then you need to isolate yourself. If you see that it comes with a persistent dry cough, loss of smell, and taste, there are high chances of having coronavirus.

Most patients have fatigue, sore throat, pain, ache, and headache. Some have breathing difficulty and shortness of breath. However, conditions like runny nose, stuffy nose, and diarrhea are rare. Symptoms of coronavirus can range from light to severe.


The most common symptom of a cold is aches, pain, and sneezing. When you have a runny nose or stuffy nose, chances are you don’t have corona. It could be a common cold, along with a sore throat.

Cold can also make people fatigue, but you will not have headaches or fever. Cold doesn’t relate to diarrhea. However, cold can be an onset of COVID-19 symptoms.


When you have flu, it brings along fatigue, dry cough, and fever. You can also experience headaches, body aches, and pain. Some people have stuffy or runny nose along with sore throat when they have flu. However, flu doesn’t cause sneezing or breathlessness.